The „Plant Based Symposium“ starts on August 21st as a series of free YouTube videos about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. For the first time many of the best known plant-based physicians, scientists and dietitians as well as other important spokespersons of the plant-based movement were invited to share their knowledge with everyone. Starting on August 21st there will be a free video released every second day.
In Video #12 of The Plant Based Symposium Dr. Melanie Joy shares important information about the following topics:
1. How carnism effects our society and what we can do about it.
2. The „3 Ns of Justification“ and how they influence our relationship with meat.
3. The influence of „Cognitive Trio“ on our relationship with non-human animals
4. How to deal with the so called „Confirmation Bias“.
5. Tips on how to interact with meat-eaters when advocating veganism.
6. The influence of cultural differences when advocating veganism in different countries.
7. The science on the capacity of suffering in different species.
8. Strategies to overcome carnism as a society.
More information about Dr. Melanie Joy’s work is available at:
Dr. Melanie Joy on Facebook:
Niko Rittenau’s Webseite:
Niko Rittenau’s Facebook:
Niko Rittenau’s Instagram:
Thanks to Philipp Kasprowicz for the coordination of all subtitles and thanks to the following volunteers for doing the transcription and translation:
German subtitles: Markus Tschögl
English subtitles: Serani Schade & Johanna Ertan